Blog research for SEO copywriting

melbourne copywriter discussion

You can enhance your Search Engine Results Pages by regularly uploading Experienced, Expert, Authoritative, and Trustworthy (E-E-A-T) content to your site by keeping and maintaining a blog. However, you will need to include information that can be cross-verified, is timely, and accurate.

This requires research skills on your part. You need not be an academic or a journalist to conduct good research. You can use elements of how they research to inform what you write. Here are the steps to research blog topics to improve your SEO Melbourne copywriting.

Identify your blog SEO focus keyword

All blog posts need an SEO topic keyword, or a focus keyword. It could be “essential oils” or “heavy trucks.” This should be the starting point for your research. Though it is broad, it takes you to the next step in your off-page keyword research.

Look at sub-topics and related keywords

Most, if not almost all broad keywords have high search competition yet high search volume. This makes it difficult to rank for these generic queries – so drilling down into sub-topics and related keywords with lower difficulty yet moderately high search volumes will help your content rank higher among other, similar sites in these niche topics. Using the example above, you could look at “lavender as an essential oil” or “essential oil diffusion.” Just like a journalist or documentarian, think about your search term from a different angle. Your first thought is likely the first thought of everyone else.

Can you answer questions?

Some of the best and most thoughtful blog content answer questions. Many incoming search terms may be phrased as questions, such as “do essential oils help calm nervousness?” or “are essential oils safe for young children?” Using this as your thesis statement or niche topic can expand the E-E-A-T richness of your content piece.

Looking for primary and secondary sources

As we’ve discussed, high E-E-A-T content can rank well, even without extensive backlinking because the blog can stand on its own. You will need to engage in in-depth research using primary (first-hand accounts) and secondary (reports or opinions) about your topic. To find primary sources, you can enlist the help of Source Bottle. This site connects you with experts and industry leaders available for comment (though they will likely want some kind of link back in return.) Over-reliance on secondary sources may be suitable for academic essays, but when it comes to SEO, novel and accurate information will always trump what may be easily found elsewhere.

How much blog research is enough?

The level of research should be equal to the amount of information you wish to publish. A cursory summary of secondary sources may be suitable for a highly niche 500 word blog, but you will want to mine data, gather primary sources, and look through offline repositories (remember books and libraries?) if you want to create a skyscraper or pillar page of 2,000 words or more. You usually know you’ve hit “the limit” of your research if you keep diving deeper and encounter the same or similar information without uncovering anything substantially different. This way you can consider your research thorough enough for any type of blog.

Blogging can be time consuming as an entrepreneur or business owner – so why not let the experts take the lead? For the best in blog writing and SEO Melbourne copywriting, hire the Melbourne Copywriter!

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