What Types of Digital Marketing Are There?

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What are the elements of digital marketing in the current era? This blog aims to explain what each major element of digital marketing comprises for 2023 from the best SEO copywriter in Melbourne, the Melbourne Copywriter.

Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimisation (SEO) comes into play when thinking about how to attract more of your target audience with little or no outlay of marketing capital – though it does take time to get right. The Melbourne Copywriter is renowned for being an expert in SEO copywriting Melbourne.

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

In a nutshell, Google’s bots “crawl” the web, checking out different sites and collecting data for Google’s search index. As a next step, computers analyse the indexed sites in light of hundreds of ranking characteristics or signals to determine the correct order in which those pages should appear in answer to a specific query. Search engine optimisation (SEO) aims to improve a website’s rating by drawing attention to the various factors that contribute to a page’s popularity and authority. SEO takes on various attributes such as optimising content for keywords or keyphrases; ongoing content development; off-page SEO; technical SEO; backlinking; and more.

Content Strategy

Content strategy comprises part of SEO as it may target select keywords and provide content to “feed the Google beast.” This is a strategic approach to sourcing and posting content either on your own site or other sites as it promotes a suite of backlinks, which boosts SEO efforts.

A company’s ability to exploit SEO, social media, and other forms of digital marketing grows in direct proportion to the amount of strategic content it produces and distributes.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising does exactly what it says on the tin – a business pays for each click a user makes on its ad. Depending on how much you spend and what keywords you target, Google will try to show your ad to as many people as possible, so it eats up as much of your budget as possible to ensure the highest amount of traffic comes to your site. It can drive a lot of traffic to your site very quickly – if you’re prepared to pay for it.

Social Media Marketing

Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are “hamstrung” by algorithms – algorithms designed to get businesses like yours to pay for advertising. The upside is it reaches millions, if not billions, of eyeballs.

However, it also gives brands and companies opportunities to talk directly to consumers and hear their concerns and feedback. Content planning or curation, paid advertising, and managing an organic community are all parts of social media marketing. It also means you can leverage influencers (people with thousands, if not millions of followers) to advertise your brand and product.

Videos and Podcasting

Digital marketers now have the option of buying advertising time in existing (and ideally successful) video and podcast series. They can also create their own video or podcast series to promote to consumers directly. There is considerable similarity between this and influencer promotion. Short videos (Instagram reels, TikTok, YouTube shorts) are also gaining mainstream popularity, especially among younger consumers.

Email Marketing (eDM)

Email marketing or electronic Direct Mail (eDM) is the oldest – yet one of the most lucrative – methods of digital marketing. Building a list of contacts which you can market to directly means long sales cycles, repeat buyers, and high return on investment. Marketing communications sent directly to your customers or brand loyalists can return $44 for every dollar spent on average!

To get your digital marketing and SEO copywriting in Melbourne done right, contact me!

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